APA, 7-9 Page Paper (Not Including The Title, Abstract, And Reference Pages). The Description Is Below:


Interview Paper Assignment Instructions

Your paper will be at least 7 and at most 9 double-spaced pages for the main content (not including the cover page and reference page). 

  1. An interview paper

Steps for writing the interview paper:

a) Regarding managerial economics the topic is: Concept of Time Perspective

b) The 5 questions according to the topic:

1. How can you measure the concept of time perception?

2. Is it proper to conduct a linear regression back and forth regarding time perspective?

3. What kind of measurements would you recommend to assess attitudes towards time perspective and its richness?

4. Can you suggest sources about the relation of future socioeconomic status and time perspective?

5. Is there any literature on Time Perspective Psychotherapy?

c) Contact a local or non-local company for an interview with a manager or executive. 

d) Conduct the interview for answers to your questions.

e) The paper must have 3 parts:

The description of the company;

Interview questions and answers; and

Your comments.

All citations must be properly cited in current APA format.

A paper with more than 20% from SafeAssign would not be accepted.

Provide turnitin report.