Discussion forum – please respond by Sunday @ 10pm

 250 words

Please watch two of the following videos, respond to the corresponding discussion questions, and complete one peer response this week. Note: you may watch and respond to either of the videos on Educating Girls this week.

1.  Educating Girls video 1:

a. How do we break the barriers that stand in the way of universal education and ensure that there is gender-equitable access to quality education?

2. Educating Girls video 2:

a. What will the population look like in 2040 if more girls are given access to education? Will there be a decrease in population?

3. Family Planning video:

a. Please explain why educating girls and family planning together is the number one drawdown solution in terms of potential impact to CO2 reduction. What are some things you can do to help make an impact?

 Supplemental Resources:



3)  website
