

Video Response (Extra Credit Assignment)

Go to YouTube or similar website and find a formal non-fiction speech on a subject youre interested in: it could be a political video, a social issue speech or something equivalent. It should contain only one person, speaking in English, and run for about 2 5 minutes. Dont choose someone because he or she is well-known so you think itll be easy. Actually think about subjects you might be interested in. Watch the video several times, once is never enough to be truly critical. Think about all youve learned so far: perception, language, cultural implications, and nonverbal communication. Mention the persons artifacts, body language, tone of voice, overall message, credibility, and any other relevant details. Dont just critique the message critique the speaker. Incorporate all these things into a 2 page essay roughly 500 words. As always, your essay should include an introduction, body and conclusion and your Works Cited page should include the reference to where you found the video. Dont do research on the person or the speech itself, use your own knowledge apply what youve learned. Did you like the video, presenter, message? Was his/her speech effective? Did you believe what was said and who said it? Think about credibility, authority, appearance.