Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are required to answer the assignment questions in complete sentences.  You are required to cite and reference sources in APA style.

How does cocaine affect the embryo and fetal development?

Define malnutrition and undernutrition.

What developmental disabilities are brought on by oxygen deprivation?

Find an article on Cerebral Palsy and oxygen deprivation. Summarize your article.

Cite and reference your sources in APA Style. Click on the videos to learn how:

Introduction to Citation Styles: APA 7th ed. (Links to an external site.)

— This video introduces the purpose and basic conventions of citing sources in-text and in a reference list using the American Psychological Association (APA) Style, 7th edition, 2019. For more citation help visit (Links to an external site.) (YouTube, 2019).

Middlesex County College Library (Links to an external site.)– Here, you will find basic research information such as identifying and evaluating scholarly journals, and online databases.
Scholarly VS Popular Articles (Links to an external site.)
Plagiarism Tutorial: Test Your Knowledge (Links to an external site.)– Plagiarism tutorial – This tutorial is designed to help students understand what constitutes plagiarism, how to avoid it (plagiarism), and how to properly cite and quote sources in order to avoid plagiarism.

You are required to answer the assignment questions in complete sentences.  You are required to cite and reference sources in APA style.  Assignment questions due every Saturday. If your assignment questions are not acceptable (Plagiarizing, submitting popular instead of scholarly articles, and not answering all the questions), you must resubmit your work the following Saturday no later than midnight 12:00AM.

In a separate paragraph please discuss:

Describe social, emotional, psychomotor and cognitive characteristics of children with speech, visual, hearing and psychomotor problems.