Any topic (writer’s choice)

Alphabetize the sources by authors last name.

Third:  Using your own words, write a short summary of each source, including the authors thesis/main point and key support points.  Make sure you understand the main ideas not just topics presented.  Do not use quotations and do not include your personal opinions about what the author writes or the issue, simply explain in your own words the articles (authors) points.

Also, do not announce that the author has made a point about a topic, but give the actual point.  For example, do not write, In this article, Lisa Schiffren discusses her view about same-sex marriages.  She includes points about why some people are against same-sex marriage.

Instead, you should write her actual points.  Such as, Lisa Schiffren argues that same-sex marriages are not what our countrys Judeo/ Christian public supports.  She acknowledges that society is more tolerant of homosexuality, but advocates the institution of marriage for heterosexual couples only.

Fourth:  Evaluate each source for bias, accuracy, and relevance and explain how it will contribute to your paper.  For example, will it serve as background information, define concepts, as evidence/support for your position, add authority to your argument, or offer a counter position?

I will provide the working bibliography page.