Article Review (DUE TODAY)

Make sure to use headings that follow the outlines listed below, you may add additional headings (or use sub-heading) if needed.   

Paper must be double spaced with one-inch margin on all sides and paginated (as per APA 7th edition). 

 Make sure to follow APA 7th edition (no abstract is necessary for the article review

When you refer to the authors names from our textbook, the proper in-text citation would be: Creswell and Creswell (2108) or Creswell & Creswell, 2018 (Consult APA 7th edition resources regarding how to use appropriate in-text citations). Your reference list will include the text book citation and the citation of the article you reviewed. If you use references other than the two previous ones mentioned (not required) make sure they are correctly cited both in text and in the reference list.   

 Correct grammar and punctuation.

Minimum of 6 full pages (excluding title page and reference page). There is no maximum page length 

If you are reviewing the Qualitative Article, use the following General Outline to prepare your Qualitative Article Critique:

I. Introduction

A. Introduce the article, author, publication

B. Briefly describe the study that was done in the article

C. Provide a thesis that tells the reader what the paper will focus on (however, do not refer to the paper outright in the thesis.  Ex: This paper will)

II. Qualitative Design

A. Summarize/describe the qualitative design used in the study based on the article.

B. Review/analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the qualitative design rationale/description based on Creswells text.

III. Researchers Role

A. Summarize/describe the researchers role as provided in the article

B. Review/analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the discussion of the researchers role based on Creswells text.

IV. Data Collection Procedures

A. Summarize/describe the information on data collection procedures provided in the article

B. Review/analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the data collection procedures as compared to Creswells recommendations.

V. Data Recording Procedures

A. Summarize/describe the data recording procedures provided in the article

B. Review/analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the data recording procedures as compared to Creswells recommendations.

VI. Data Analysis and Interpretation

A. Summarize/describe the data analysis and interpretation information provided in the article

B. Review/analyze the data analysis and interpretation information as compared to Creswells recommendations.

VII. Validity and Reliability

A. Summarize/describe the information on the studys validity and reliability as provided in the article

B. Review/analyze the information on validity and reliability based on Creswells recommendations.

VIII. Conclusion (at least 150 words)

A. Provide an overall review of the articles strengths and weaknesses based on your analysis of each component. Explain the overall strengths and weaknesses of the article/study.