This Assignment had a very, very specific structure. Identify 2-4 issues. Come up with solutions for those issues and summarize them briefly. Provide a table with Pros and Cons for each, use a weighted table to rank the solutions and select the best to

Is it clear from reading your assignment that you read the case and understood what happened that led up to the mistakes that were made and that yielded the fires and explosions?
Did you dig deeper?  Some people identify very technical issues did you find the underlying reasoning – the project-level thinking that may have driven decisions to go a certain way technically?
Did you keep your writing concise and to the point?  Part of the intent of this assignment is an exercise in expressing important ideas in as efficient a way as possible.
Was there a logical flow from your Issue Identification to your Proposed Solutions, to your Pros and Cons and to your conclusion?
Did you create a weighted table (see example) to compare the proposed the solutions in terms of ease of implmentation and effectiveness?
If you did have extra information to exhibit, did you put it in an Appendix rather than in the body of the text?  Again, the focus is on a concise, crisp presentation of your arguments