Kimballs Vintage Hats is an online-only business selling unique and affordable replicas of vintage designer hats. The business is new, but Kimball worked in Europe for years as a milliner. He sells his wares through an Etsy storefront and has the objecti

In 500 words please answer the following question: ( APA format must be followed)

Kimballs Vintage Hats is an online-only business selling unique and affordable replicas of vintage designer hats. The business is new, but Kimball worked in Europe for years as a milliner. He sells his wares through an Etsy storefront and has the objective of becoming successful enough to work full time at his passion, this company. What tool or model would most assist Kimballs Vintage Hats to effectively set its marketing objectives and strategies?

Choose from the below:

financial analysis

SWOT analysis

product design analysis