Classical Sociologic Vocabulary

Use the text, course notes and the linked video to define the following t21 terms listed in Seeing the Social World, the second bullet point.  Using no more than three sentences each, define each of the terms, explain their theoretical importance and provide an example from your social world:  1) ideal types, 2) verstehen, 3) action, 4) rationalization, 5) magic and religion, 6) professionalism,7) symbolism, 8) traditional and rational capitalism, 9) spirit of capitalism, 10) bureaucracy, 11) bureaucratic personality, 12) instrumental-rational action, 13) traditional action, 14) affective action, 15) credentialing, 16) class, status & power, 17) cross-cutting stratification, 18) legitimation, 19) authority (charismatic, traditional, rational-legal) 20) routinization & 21) bureaucracy.

The definition of the concept is half the answer (one point), and the theoretical importance and example equally comprise the other half. (half a point each).  There are 21 concepts, so you can skip one to get your twenty.