Brags essay

Please read Rick Bragg’s short essay, Please answer the questions below. Type the answers to these questions in a Word document, and upload the assignment to Canvas as a PDF. 

1. What was Bragg’s purpose in writing this essay? What broad themes does his narrative explore?

2. Who does his audience seem to be? Does his tone and language seem to be appropriate for this audience?

3. How does Bragg organize his essay? Does it follow a logical pattern, or does he organize his essay as a series of brief reflections that together create an overall impression? (see pages 251-252 on your Norton Field Guide to Writing) Explain your answers to these questions. Do you think the organizational structure of this essay is effective? Why or why not?

4. After reading this essay, what ideas do you have for your own remembered event essay? How would you like for your essay to be similar to Bragg’s? How would you like for it to differ? 

5. Overall, did you enjoy Bragg’s piece? Explain why or why not.