SystemVerilog RTL model for 4-bit Johnson Counter

Develop SystemVerilog RTL model for 4-bit Johnson Counter and perform following mentioned :

Synthesize Johnson counter

Run simulation using Johnson counter testbench provided

Review synthesis results (resource usage and RTL netlist/schematic)

o Note : Explanation of resource usage in report is not mandatory to provide.

Review input and output signals in simulation waveform.

Submit report (PDF file) which should include:

SystemVerilog design and testbench code

Synthesis resource usage and schematic generated from RTL netlist viewer

Simulation snapshot and explain simulation result to confirm it works as a Johnson counter

Resource usage explanation and post mapping schematic is optional to submit.


When creating RTL model for Johnson Counter, name SystemVerilog Module name as : johnson_counter

Assume below mentioned Primary Ports for Johnson Counter

o Input clk (clock)

o Input clear (asynchronous reset / negedge signal)

o Input preset (synchronous and active low singal)

o Input load_cnt (value gets loaded when !preset)

o Output  count (output count value)