English essay

For this paper, you will be expected to plan and write a response to one of the readings from this module using one of the prompts below. Important note: for this assignment you will practice using and citing sources.  Therefore you will be required to have at least three cited sources in your paper and a works cited page, all in MLA format.  You can access Purdue OWL to see how to use edition 8 of MLA (some changes were made this summer to MLA format).  The purpose of this paper is to introduce you to citations and give you a basic feel for how to use sources.  A more in-depth training on research and citation will come with English 102, for those who take that course.

Since you are expected to have three sources, one should be the original article and two you will find on your own.  You should consider the expertise of your sources and how they will add to your argument.  You should also find quotes within those sources that provide specific, detailed information that will support a point you are going to make.  There are some helpful videos in the “Video Support” folder of the Course Resources section that will give you additional information.  There is also an excellent document that I suggest you use, also in the Course Resources folder, titled, .  It walks you through nearly all important aspects of how to use sources in your paper.

You should submit this paper via Turnitin.  To do so, click on the paper 4 rough draft link.  

Before you begin, you should view the Essay Rubric in the Course Resources section.  Please note that your grade for the rough draft will be not be based on this rubric, but on full completion of this assignment.  If you have a complete essay turned in, you will receive the points.  However, this rubric will give you clear expectations as to what we expect for the final draft.

The goal of this class is to teach college-level writing conventions, which may require some students to move beyond previously taught writing models, like the 5-paragraph essay format.  There are many significant weaknesses to this model and it is not adequate at this level.  Some aspects of this formula should be particularly noted. It is not desirable to have a thesis statement that presents the ideas of your body paragraphs.  This “A + B + C” thesis always sounds forced and is overly simplistic.  It also contributes to the next major issue, which is a lack of real transitions between body paragraphs.  Your body paragraphs need to have clear relationships between them–in the 5-paragraph model, this is usually not the case, but instead the paragraphs read more like a list.  You can often see this in the choice of transition words–“First, Second, and Finally”.  There is no relationship here but the order in which they come.  The final major issue with the 5-paragraph model is the summary conclusion.  The conclusion is a vital space that can engage the reader in new and unique ways.  By simply summarizing points from your essay or restating the thesis, you will disengage the reader’s attention and add nothing to your paper.

There is no one, single way to approach a paper, or one size or shape.  Therefore we are not looking for a particular number of paragraphs (although to prepare you for the exit essay, you should have at least 5) or a particular word count.  If you look at the rubric, you will see what we want.  First, you should have a strong introduction, which introduces the topic and identifies the paper’s direction.  Next, there should be quality support, which offers specific details that are well organized and thoughtful.  Finally, you will need a conclusion that challenges the reader and adds to the paper.  This should be done with clear and concise writing.  Think outside of formulas and focus on being as effective as you can be.

Please choose a prompt from the following sources.  Take careful note of what the prompt is asking, and be sure that you are directly addressing the question at hand.

For “Fish Cheeks” answer the following:

In this article, what does Amy Tan identify as “being American”?  Do you agree with her?