NBST 520 Discussion Thread: Debate on Keeping the Law Today

My Last Name starts with “M”

Students will be assigned differing perspectives on this question based on the first letter of their last names, with A-M defending the proposition Yes, they do, and N-Z defending the proposition No, they dont. In your thread, you must interact with both the traditional (Reformation) perspective and the New Perspective on Paul, and you must interact directly with Pauls own writings, especially Galatians and Romans. You must interact with all assigned materials, including textbooks and presentations. You must document all sources used (including textbooks and presentations) in current Turabian format. The use of Internet sources requires the instructor’s prior approval.

Read: 1 Corinthians
Read: 2 Corinthians
Read: Galatians
Read: Elwell & Yarbrough: Chapter 19
Watch: The Crux of the Matter
Watch: Corinthians and Galatians

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The student will post one (1) thread of at least 400.The student is required to interact with all assigned materials, including textbooks and presentations, and document all sources used (including textbooks and presentations) in current Turabian format. The use of Internet sources requires the instructor’s prior approval. Acceptable sources include the Bible (exclusive of study Bible notes), academic biblical commentaries, academic journal articles, textbooks, and course presentations