read ALL instructions

Using ONLY All materials and links provided for you, please answer the following:

* Important Links to USE:





Review the readings/videos for Weeks 12 – from all the readings, choose a total of 2 that resonated with you most and respond to the following questions:

– Why did these readings strike you? Please be specific.

– What elements of these readings make sense to you in the context of your leadership practice?

– What is your major critique of these readings?

– What is your key take-away re: leadership and organizational problem-solving?

What is one key take-away for you from the Week 10 and 11 Implemention discussions? Why? How does this help your leadership practice?

Reflect on the Week 12 and 13 “measuring impact” readings – what are your 3 main take-aways?

– What, specifically, will you be folding into your final project? Why?

– Per the Parskey reading, what is the difference between progress measures and outcomes measures? Please provide an example.