Criminal justice

CJ102-4: Identify major crime trends and patterns in the United States.

PowerPoint Assignment 

For  this Assignment, create a narrated PowerPoint presentation about the  crime trends in your state. In a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides  (excluding the cover and references slides), addresses the following  items:

  • Your  states homicide numbers from the UCR (which will include not only  homicide but non negligent manslaughter) from 1990-2015 (past 25 years)
  • The rates for those years
  • Are the rates going up or down? That is, what are the trends?
  • How does your states rate compare with the national rate?
  • What are the causes/patterns of homicide in your state? 

PowerPoint Format:

  • Use  the slide notes section in the presentation to include information that  follows your narration, being sure to follow the conventions of  Standard English.
  • Slide content should include brief points that identify the areas that will be addressed in the narration.
  • In-text  citations should be included with any brief points that were researched  from outside sources and the narration should fully explain the points
  • Cite  all sources on a separate reference slide at the end of the PowerPoint  and reference each source in the body of the presentation using APA  format.
  • Identify the source of any pictures you use, being sure to cite them correctly in APA style using in-text citations.