Nurse Fatigue was the first topic

Here is this week’s discussion

The thesis statement is ONE sentence that incorporates the criteria of (1) topic, (2) claim, and (3) specifics. Review the information on the different types of thesis statements in the reading materials for Module 4 and share four aspects with your classmates that you learned about writing and developing a thesis sentence for your paper.

Here is this week’s assignment

Write your thesis statement and introduction (one paragraph). The first page of your paper will be the title page, followed by your abstract page (it has its own page!), and then the next page will start with the introductory paragraph.  

Add the introductory paragraph to your APA shell to begin forming your final paper. Submit the entire document. However, only the introduction and thesis statement will be graded in this module.

This week’s reading material

Learning Materials

  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Review Chapter 5.

Additional Resources:

  • Topthesis. (2019). . 
  • James ESL English Lessons (engVid), (2011, Jul. 11).