

 Complete the last two sections of the project: Funding Request, Recommendations & Conclusion  

Recommendations Based on your analysis, recommend to an investor if he/she should or should not invest in the company. Give specific reasons for your recommendation (consider financial, organization & industry). If the recommendation is to invest what should the investor look for in the future will the company or market grow? Is it a risky investment? How will the investor know when to sell the shares? If the recommendation is not to invest what would have to change for the company or industry to become a good investment? 

  1. Write a Conclusion The conclusion should remind the reader of the purpose of your paper and give the information that you said you were going to give when you wrote your introduction the first place to begin is to review the introduction does it still make sense? Does the conclusion you are writing close the loop for the reader?
  2. Submit the completed project. Your final project should include all of the required sections that you have submitted during the course. These sections should include any additional information that the instructor requested and incorporate the instructors comments and/or corrections.