Research gun crime and violence over the past few years in order to establish a perspective on the trends.

Write a 1500 word (minimum) paper (6 quality references minimum) on the topic above. Research gun crime and violence over the past few years in order to establish a perspective on the trends. Examine the current political arguments over the 2nd Amendment and policies exercised differently by various jurisdictions. Take a position on the best solution moving forward in reducing gun related violence in America.

Your research paper is due on April 24th (See syllabus calendar). You will submit the paper by attaching it as a Microsoft Word file to the Assignment forum.  I will not accept any late research papers. After the due date, the submission link will close. I encourage you to turn it in early. If it is not submitted through the Blackboard Paper Assignment forum as an attached file as instructed, I will not grade it. In other words, do not email it to me, or submit it in any other manner as required.