bmgt 464 wk 6


The Role of the Leader, and the Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Leadership Role

Over the course of this class thus far we have looked at the actions of a variety of leaders, as well as exploring the interaction between employees and the leadership of a company.  While we know that ethics are implicated broadly across all employees and all aspects of an organization, we have also looked at the different things that leaders can and possibly should do to create a framework for the ethics that the leader envisions for their organization.  This week, we have also added yet another aspect to ethical leadership: the impact of emerging technologies.


With this in mind, what do you believe is a leader’s role in shaping the ethical environment of a company and what are some practical, actionable ways in which this role may be carried out?


More specifically, how do you envision the role of leader of a company that has a digital presence, relative to ethical concerns?  In particular, how can the leader of a business that sells products on the internet ensure that the company is operating in a legal and ethical manner?  What practical, actionable steps can a leader take to carry out that role, especially relative to the company’s digital presence?

required reading