Lesson Plan 2

For this assignment, you will write a lesson on writing conventions on capitalization, punctuation, OR grammar. 

For more information on conventions, see link: https://www.time4writing.com/articles-about-writing/writing-conventions-updated/

  1. Begin by selecting a convention upon which to focus. We discussed how to go about this in M5a.
  2. Find the TEKS(https://teksguide.org/) for this convention; this will help you to narrow it down to a particular grade level or grade band. 
  3. Explore the information on TEKS guide by TEA (https://teksguide.org/) for ideas about how to teach this convention. You can also find ideas in our text or online.
  4. Create a lesson plan using the attached template. Some sections are marked optional, i.e., you do not have to complete those sections. 

General tips on lesson plans: 

  •  Semi-scripted, so I can hear your “voice.” 
    • Use italics for what you say; regular font for what you do.
  • Clear sequence. 
    • Use numbered list or bullets.
  • Formative assessment should be quick and purposeful. See this website for ideas: https://www.edutopia.org/article/7-smart-fast-ways-do-formative-assessment
  • See M5a for more details on lesson planning for Conventions.

Please let me know if you have any questions!!