Discussion 2: Socializing New Employees


Often work culture, depending on the organization, can be deeply convoluted and difficult to grasp for a new hire. Socialization of new employees, also called onboarding, is the process by which they learn about the culture of the organization and about roles and expectations. Socialization, if done well, can be an important asset to employers and the people who work for them. It can often consist of a formal onboarding program including workshops and other activities. It can also be done informally through mentoring and collaborative work or vicariously through observation and supervisory feedback. Employee socialization fulfills several important functions, such as demystifying an unfamiliar environment, bolstering commitment, and forming an organizations identity, which can result in employee proactive, feedback-seeking behaviors. Socialization is also an ongoing process as employees interact with new departments or take on new roles.

In this Discussion, you will explore socialization strategies and their impact on job attitudes. You will also look at feedback-seeking behaviors and their influence on socialization.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read the article Impact of Core-Self Evaluation and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions: A Study of Indian Retail Sector. In the onboarding and socialization of new employees, consider how high core self-evaluation employees showing higher confidence and feedback seeking might impact organizational outcomes.
  • Read the article The Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses Turnover Intention and Patient Satisfaction. Think about how agentic capacities could impact turnover intention and the role socialization could play to support positive outcomes.
  • Read the article Organizational Socialization Tactics and Newcomer Proactive Behaviors: An Integrative Study. Consider how onboarding and socialization tactics can improve newcomer proactive behaviors, especially with employees who show less feedback-seeking behavior.
  • Read the article Examining the Impact of Socialization Through Trust: An Exploratory Study. Consider how increased trust in a supervisor or organization can enhance the positive outcomes of socialization such as job satisfaction and commitment.

By Day 5

Post a response to the following:  

Provide a description of two strategies that organizations might use to socialize new employees. Then, explain how these two strategies might positively or negatively impact job attitudes. Finally, explain how employee feedback-seeking behaviors might influence the socialization process.