Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reply to classmate post. In your replies, demonstrate analysis, synthesis of all course materials, tact, and insight. For each reply, reference the textbooks, at least 2 journal articles, and the correlated thread. Opinion is worth little unless it is supported by quotes and/or paraphrases from the textbooks and professional journals.

Adhere to current APA format in all posts. Note that management techniques must not be capitalized. Consult the grading rubrics to see how you will be graded.

Topic: Job and Process Costing


When are companies likely to use a job costing system or process costing system? Describe the specific characteristics of each system and provide at least 2 examples from companies in your community for each system (at least 4 companies should be described).

When submitting your thread, do not attach a file. Rather, type or paste text directly into the text box. Be sure to also submit your thread via the SafeAssign submission link in the Module/Week 5 Assignments folder. Copy the text of your completed thread and paste it in the Text Submission box.