Public relations


In This Is PR read 

Chapter 9, Communication Channels and Media

Chapter 10, Tactics and Techniques: Details that make PR Strategies Work

Chapter 11, Campaigns

You are to design a promotional campaign for a program to promote Wear Masks in the U. S, until July 4th. Consult the Web for background material. 

1) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different media.  Use the texts. Be sure to document correctly including the references. 

2) Determine what the theme will be for the campaign.

3) Write a new release for the campaign.

4) If the PR specialist were interviewed by a reporter, how would he or she want to be quoted?

5) Write a 30 second radio announcement.

6) Design an event to raise money for this campaign.

Four to five (4-5) pages, double spaced, required. 

Remember the goal is to demonstrate that you have read and can apply the text material.  Write the questions completely and then answer them.  

Creative Thinking Rubric 


Excellent   (3)

Acceptable   (2)

Unacceptable   (1)


Acquiring Competencies

This step refers to acquiring strategies and skills   within a particular domain.

Lists all the media in the text, discusses them, and then lists their   advantages and disadvantages. The material is documented using the correct   APA format.

Lists most of the media in the text and discusses them. Includes some of the disadvantages and   advantages. The material includes minor mistakes in the APA format.

Fails to include many of the media listed in the text; also does not   include the advantages and disadvantages.


Taking Risks

May include personal risk (fear of embarrassment or   rejection) or risk of failure in successfully completing assignment, i.e.   going beyond original parameters of assignment, introducing new materials and   forms, tackling controversial topics, advocating unpopular ideas or   solutions.

Selects a theme which is creative, engaging, appropriate, and   persuasive.

Selects a theme which is lacking in one of the areas for excellent

Selects a theme which is lacking in two of the areas for excellent.


Solving Problems

Writes a news release which includes who, what, when, where and   how. It is easily read by the media   and includes details which would be interesting for the media.

Writes a news release which includes who, what, when, where, and   how. But this news release is either   boring or lacks development.

Includes only minimal material in the news release. It is neither interesting or informative.


Embracing Contradictions

Prepares answers for reporters which anticipates trick questions and   has prepared answers.

Has several good sound bites for reporters.

No sound bites are included.


Innovative Thinking

Novelty or uniqueness (of idea, claim, question,   form, etc.)

Writes a 30 second radio announcement which is engaging, interesting,   informative, directive, and persuasive.

Write a 30 second radio announcement which is informative and   interesting.

Includes little information for the radio announcement.


Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming

Designs an exciting fundraiser suggesting several ways to raise   money. Gives many details about the   event.

Designs a fundraiser, but it does not include many details.

The papers includes very limited information about a boring   fundraiser.