assignment 12

1. After completing your rough draft of your research paper, choose a paragraph you’d like peer feedback about. It can be a paragraph you think is unclear, or maybe one you think need more information. It’s up to you which paragraph you submit.

2. Create a discussion board thread and post the paragraph. In your post, include:

  1. the paragraph
  2. where the paragraph belongs in your essay – is it the intro, from the bio, from the poem analysis, or the conclusion?
  3. two or three questions you have for your peers – things you’d like their feedback about.

3. Reply to one classmate and provide them with feedback on their paragraph. Do not reply to a classmate who already has a response – choose a paragraph that has not yet gotten any feedback. For this discussion board, no post should have more than one response. If someone already has a reply, choose a different person to respond to.