Any topic (writer’s choice)

Human Resource Policy and Manual

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a Human Resource Manager for a mid-size corporation with 200 employees and develop a company HR Policy and Manual. Prior to beginning the assignment, review the 10 Employee Relations Scenarios  download . Assess eight relevant employment and labor laws (e.g., OSHA, FMLA, Affirmative Action, ADA, Title VII, FLSA, ERISA, and/or EEOC) as they relate to the issues set forth in the ten employee relations scenarios.  Explain how you would minimize these issues through the policy.

The HR Policy and Manual should be clearly organized and include the following:

A table of contents.
Headings for each employment and labor law, including
a brief description of the law;
an analysis of the purpose of the law,
and an explanation of how the corporation and employees shall adhere to the applicable laws.
An appropriate employee acknowledgement section.   
A conclusion that explains how you would minimize the said issues through the HR policies.
The Human Resource Policy and Manual

Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must use at least seven scholarly and professional sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources  download table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

10 Employee Relations Scenarios 

1.You are a supervisor in a warehousing operation. You recently instituted a No Smoking policy in the facility. All employees were notified of thepolicy change. It was not well-received. As you walk down aisle B in thewarehouse, you see a cloud of smoke and then see Chris running to aisle A.You need to talk to Chris.
2.You are an office manager overseeing a department of 25 people. One ofyour employees comes to you and complains about Pats unpleasant bodyodor and how difficult it is to work in the same area. You agree to talk toPat
.3.You are the sales department manager at an upscale store. Your bosshas talked to you about the appearance of some of your sales clerksparticularly Alex. Alex is sporting on his forearm a new, large tattoo of adevil eatinga rat. You agree with your boss that some customers might findit offensive and that it should somehow be covered up. You need to talk toAlex.
4.Sidney has recently been missing work. She tends to call in at the lastminute, and there seems to be a patterndeveloping of Mondays andFridays. Sidney has been in rehabilitation in the past for alcohol abuse. Youneed to talk to Sidney.
5.You are a project manager and supervise a team of 11 people. It is nearChristmas, and you notice that within one day the office supply cabinet hasbeen conspicuously depleted of tape, scissors, and packing materials. Otherthan you, the administrative assistant, Lesley, is the only one with the keyto the cabinet. You need to talk to Lesley.
6.You are the director of human resources. You asked your benefitsadministrator, Morgan, to immediately send new benefit information toyour boss for her review. The next day, you are chewed out by your bossfor not sending her the information. You look bad. You decide to talk toMorgan.
7.You are the vice president of finance. Your administrative assistant, Ryan, isoften late getting to work. You have tolerated it for the past year, but yourworkload has increased and you need all the help you can get, especially atthe start of the day. With Ryan coming in late, it is starting to affect yourability to get your job done. You need to talk to Ryan.
8.You are an accounting manager, and the business relies on your departmentto produce accurate financial reports the end of each month. Yourdepartment uses Excel. Last month, you hired a new accountant, Taylor,who claimed to be proficient in Excel. However, co-workers have come toyou with complaints about Taylors work and questioning his abilities. Youneed to talk to Taylor.

9.You are a payroll managersupervising 25 people. Your team works in closequarters with little physical separation between work stations. Drew is oneof your best performers, yet you have received complaints that Drew tendsto sprinkle conversations with rather crude and vulgar references. This isnot a team of saints, but some have complained that Drew is crossing theline. You need to talk to Drew.
10.You are a marketing director supervising 18 professionals and supportstaff. The nature of the work requires a collaborative environment wherethe professionals give work direction to the support staff. A professionalon your team, Dana, has started dating a person on the support staff.Although there is no policy prohibiting dating, several co-workers havecomplained about the two being too affectionate at work. Some alsoindicate there is preferential treatment for Danas newfound love interest.You need to talk to Dana9.You are a payroll managersupervising 25 people. Your team works in closequarters with little physical separation between work stations. Drew is oneof your best performers, yet you have received complaints that Drew tendsto sprinkle conversations with rather crude and vulgar references. This isnot a team of saints, but some have complained that Drew is crossing theline. You need to talk to Drew.10.You are a marketing director supervising 18 professionals and supportstaff. The nature of the work requires a collaborative environment wherethe professionals give work direction to the support staff. A professionalon your team, Dana, has started dating a person on the support staff.Although there is no policy prohibiting dating, several co-workers havecomplained about the two being too affectionate at work. Some alsoindicate there is preferential treatment for Danas newfound love interest.You need to Dana