Write a reflection about an Infectious disease panel

This is a New and Continuation of the previous order #195990581
Public health practice.

1.  My research topic is Addressing COVID-19 in My Hometown Beijing China.

2. Writer a reflection.  (around 200 words)
You attend an Infectious Disease Stakeholder Panel (Infectious Disease Panels link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a3xePnxGQU ).
Reflect back on what was discussed in the stakeholder panel you attended. What were the key messages you took away from the stakeholders insights? How might the stakeholders input change your perspective on addressing your topic in your hometown (my topic is Addressing COVID-19 in Beijing China)? Provide at least 1 example of what the stakeholders shared that aligns with your findings – is there anything distinctive about your hometown that might pose different challenges or opportunities than what the stakeholders noted? Explain your answer.

3. Comment on 2 persons reflection post. (Around 135 words per comment)
Please refer to the file Comments Example to get s sense on how to comment others post, then comment on below two persons A and Bs reflections. Use a positive tone of agreement and provide substantive feedback to their analysis.

1)    Person As Post:
Chronic Disease Prevention and Infectious Disease & Immunization
I listened to the recording of the stakeholder panel on chronic diseases and infectious diseases and gained some rich insight into how public health entities operate and some lessons they have learned through their missteps. The paternalistic approach of public health entities can sometimes be detrimental to the very health goals we are trying to promote, and it is important to strive for a more collaborate role with the communities we serve. Thaddeus mentioned how there is sometimes limited data available on some communities, for instance the LGBTQIA+ community. Increased community engagement in such instances could provide insight to assist in public health program planning which would otherwise not be possible due to the scarcity of data. In moving forward with my hometown assessment, I plan to assess how much community engagement exist with respect to HIV/AIDS. A local NGO providing HIV/AIDS services in my hometown started an outreach and prevention program called Mpowerment to help reduce the frequency of HIV transmission among young gay and bisexual men. To encourage engagement with this community, they based it on an empowerment model in which young gay and bisexual men within the community took charge of the project. (https://www.fahass.org/outreach-and-prevention). I thought this was a great way to reach a community often plagued by stigma and discrimination.
On the issue of inequity and social justice, I find that the discussion reflects some observations I have made about my hometown. Service provision on HIV/AIDS is not necessarily geared towards the most vulnerable populations and I found non-English speakers were at a disadvantage when it came to accessing HIV/AIDS resources, as most of the material was in English. While residents are predominantly English speakers, focusing on equity in service provision and making resources available in other languages could help increase the impact of current efforts to address HIV/AIDS in the community.
2)    Person B:
I attended the Chronic Disease Prevention and Infectious Disease & Immunization panel. One of the panelists shared his experience with responding to COVID in Vermont. He mentioned that Vermont is a predominantly white, rural, and agricultural state, and emphasized the importance of focusing on congregate settings and vulnerable populations for infection control over the past year. Specific examples of such settings included long term care facilities and homeless shelters. One of the measures included repurposing hotels for quarantine purposes, which reminded me of COVID quarantine measures in Taipei City where I am currently living. Taiwans COVID response has focused greatly on mandatory quarantine of entering travelers, with a strict one person one residence policy that started earlier this year. Travelers cannot undergo quarantine at home if there is anyone who did not travel with them staying in the same residence; instead, they may stay in one of the dedicated quarantine hotels provided through the collaboration of the Department of Health and Department of Information and Tourism.
In contrast to the rural setting of Vermont described by the panelist, Taipei is a densely populated city that may have significant differences in vulnerable populations and locations. Mandatory mask-wearing, for instance, has been emphasized in nightclubs, bars, movie theaters, and night markets. Discussions surrounding COVID responses may therefore require more consideration of impacts on business owners. A large percentage of individuals in Taiwan practice Buddhism and Taoism, and religious places such as temples were identified as having high risk for transmission. Traditional events such as Chinese New Year and Tomb-Sweeping Day also feature increased travel and meetings with families/friends. These are culture-specific challenges that the COVID task force in Taiwan has had to address when trying to implement infectious disease control measures.