
Elizabeth Bell discusses three specific body types personified in Disney animated films, particularly prevalent in Princess films. Identify and summarize Bells body image paradigm and choose three (3) of the animated Disney films presented in class; analyze and evaluate their characters based on Bells ideas. Give specific examples to support your answers.

Summarize Susan Jeffords’ analysis of Disneys portrayal of masculinity. Then, apply and evaluate her ideas in relation to three (3) of the animated Disney films presented in class. Give specific examples to support your answers.

Summarize Laura Sells analysis of social mobility in The Little Mermaid. Then, apply and evaluate her ideas in relation to three (3) of the other animated Disney films presented in class. Use specific examples to support your answers.

Identify and discuss how and why Disney has become domestically and globally recognized as the definitive representation of American pop culture. Give specific examples to support your answer.

We’ve been spending the second half of the semester examining the animated features of the Disney media conglomerate. The primary use of Disney in this course is as a test case example of one of the few global media conglomerates and the influence they wield as media content providers. Select and view an animated feature from a media conglomerate other than Disney/Pixar. Analyze it as we have been examining the films in class. What themes are apparent? What messages, interpretations, or influence does the film convey? How was the film marketed? Finally, what conclusions can you make about the producing conglomerate, Disney, and/or media conglomerates as a whole?