Introduction to Marketing


In the IP 4, you will select any brand that you wish.   In the first section, concentrate on the feature (s) you want believe that the brand provides.  Explain and justify this feature (s) in the first section, before you write about the benefit (s) of the feature.  In the second paragraph, initially, explain and justify the benefit (s) of the feature.

Then, in the section, make up a positioning statement for the brand.  A positioning statement is a sentence that explains the image that the brand should get across to provide a distinctive competence to targeted consumers.  Spend some time writing this sentence, and then, justify it.  For example, I am making up one for Starbucks, below.  Pretend that I think that it should be more personalzied than competitors.  I might come up with the following positioning statement to convey the distinctive competence that I want the brand to have, compared to others:  A real Cheers Bar image where you can get away and everyone will know your name personalized experience.”

Instructor’s Comments:

In the IP 4, you will select any brand that you wish.   In the first section, concentrate on the feature (s) you want believe that the brand provides.  Explain and justify this feature (s) in the first section, before you write about the benefit (s) of the feature.  In the second paragraph, initially, explain and justify the benefit (s) of the feature.

Then, in the section, make up a positioning statement for the brand.  A positioning statement is a sentence that explains the image that the brand should get across to provide a distinctive competence to targeted consumers.  Spend some time writing this sentence, and then, justify it.  For example, I am making up one for Starbucks, below.  Pretend that I think that it should be more personalzied than competitors.  I might come up with the following positioning statement to convey the distinctive competence that I want the brand to have, compared to others:  A real Cheers Bar image where you can get away and everyone will know your name personalized experience.”