Human Resource Article Critique

one of the articles is attached the other two have a links at the end   

Select one of the HBR articles to critique (located below):      

  • Why We Love to Hate HR & What HR Can Do About It, Peter Cappelli
  • Change Your Company with Better HR Analytics, Mick Collins
  • 21 Human Resource Jobs of the Future, Jeanne C. Meister & Robert H. Brown

    Your article critique should include:   

  • A title page 
  • An executive summary 
  • A maximum of three pages of text which includes: 
    • An overview of the article
    • Describe the theme of the article and determine the point of view the author is putting forth
    • A stated position either agreeing or disagreeing with the authors conclusion
    • Apply the relevance of the article to a real-world business application

Change Your Company with Better HR Analytics, Mick Collins:

21 Human Resource Jobs of the Future, Jeanne C. Meister & Robert H. Brown