Short Film Script

You will write an original film script for a short film.  the purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to develop a complete short film script.  It should reveal your control of characters and dialogue within a genre that has traditionally encouraged extensive creativity.  Short films as much easier for writers to get produced because they don’t require elaborate studios, huge budgets, and extensive cast and crew. 

You will retain all original rights to your script.  Here are the guidelines for the assignment:

1.  Your script should be between 12-15 pages (1500 words) in length.  It should be no longer than 15 pages.  Typically, broadcasters have defined short films as 15 minutes in length to fit the typical broadcast time slots for short films.  Recently with the rise of webisodes and other outlets for short films, this definition has fluctuated.  We’ll stick with the traditional definition for our class.

2.  This assignment allows for more creativity than team writing.  Short films allow writers to experiment with form and characters so you can take advantage of this flexibility in your assignment.  You should, however, follow the rules for formatting and establish compelling plots, characters, and dialogue.  These things don’t change.  So, you will be evaluated partially on formatting.  

3.  You should include a title page with author identification (name and contact information plus date).  You will write your short script as its sole author.  This will give you an example of your writing ability to include in a prospective portfolio when you look for writing jobs.

4.  On a second page, insert a list of characters with a short description of each character and a brief plot synopsis (2-3 sentences).  This page should be inside the title page but not numbered.  You should begin numbering with the first page of the script (excluding title page and character list).

5.  Your script must be original.  You should not use any television or internet program of characters that are currently or have been produced for broadcast or print.  This includes magazine articles, short stories, graphic novels, computer games, poems, plays, novels, comic strips, etc. unless you own the copyright.

6.  Traditionally, all scripts are printed with three-hole punch and two brads to bind the script (in the top and bottom holes, the middle hole is left open–probably to save the expense of the third brad(.  Since your script will be submitted on Canvas, we can’t use this formatting.  But you should be aware of it.