Telemedicine/ Telehealth. ” Ethical challenges of Telemedicine & Telehealth.

The student will draft a proposal  contract for a future thesis project. 

1.    Research title:

2.    Research site/ physical location where the research will be conducted:

3.    Thesis/ Research question:

4.    Introduction & Background. (Briefly state how the problem evolved, state why you would be conducting this study)

5.    Research design: ( study methodology, population, data collection procedures, data analysis)

6.    Explain in detail the strategy that will be followed in conducting and completing the Project.
It is imperative that guidance and approval of the course director and graduate faculty at each step. Example of strategy usually used:
    Develop and gain approval for Project
    Develop cover letter and survey (if appropriate)
    Gain IRB approval from UT IRB (if necessary)
    Develop and refine the project paper and submit
    Submit final project at least two weeks prior to end of semester.
    Present Project to UT HIIM faculty
7.    Explain why & how the Project will add to the body of knowledge related to the HIIM practice. 

8.    What is the audience for this project? Where this information would be presented? (clearly state all details about the journal and conference where this will be presented) 

9.    As a graduate student, what do you expect to learn from conducting this project?  Add as many reasons as needed to explain what you will contribute and what you will learn.

10.    Timeline for this project
(Indicate the dates below)
    Updates/ progress report to advisor: Tuesday 5:00 PM CST of every alternate week
    Expected IRB approval date:
    Expected start date:
    Progress Report 1:
    Progress Report 2:
    Data Analysis Completion:
    Thesis Draft Version 1:
    Thesis Power Point Submission:
    Thesis Conference Poster submission:
    Thesis Conference Abstract submission:
    Thesis Presentation to UTHSC Faculty:

You recently wrote a a proposal; for me and I wanted to know could you continue this project?  I attached a copy of what you included originally .