Interview due in 8 hours

due in 8 hours


The Interview

Congratulations! You have received a call from the director of the Multigenerational Center, and he would like you to come in for an interview! In order to be completely prepared for your interview, he has shared with you a list of possible questions they could ask you during the interview. You will choose one question from each of the five big ideas: issues and trends in your field, environments, personal and ethical practices, leadership, and professional development. Respond comprehensively. Therefore, your assignment will consist of a response to five different questions, one from each category, which will prepare you for the interview.

Choose the link to your program to view the correct interview questions to be prepared for your interview,


To prepare for this assignment, explore interactive and review the as well as University of Arizona Global Campus Career & Alumni Services resource. You will find many resources including general interview questions and tips on how to follow up after the interview. Use the download to help summarize your accomplishments for your employer.

In your seven-paragraph written assignment, you must include the following:

Include an introductory paragraph with the name of your program, the title of the job you are applying for from the and an explanation of why you are the perfect candidate for the job.

Include an introduction that begins with a succinct thesis statement.

Include five body paragraphs addressing each of the questions chosen. (The question must be the heading of each paragraph.) Be sure you are addressing each question with critical thought. You want to stand out!

Defend why the director should choose you for the position in your conclusion.

The Interview Assignment:

Must be seven paragraphs in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to as outlined in the Writing Centers resource.

Title of paper in bold font

o Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

Students name

Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)

Course name and number

Instructors name

Due date

Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

o The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Centers guide.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

Required Resources


Collamer, N. (2013, February 4). . Retrieved from

This article provides information about elevator pitches and will assist you in your Elevator Speech discussion this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.


TEDx Talks. (2012, November 29). [Video file]. Retrieved from

This video provides information about finding work you love and will assist you in your Reflection on Professional Self journal this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.

University of Arizona Global Campus. (2017). [Interactivity]. Retrieved from

This interactive provides information about the Multigenerational Center clients and will assist you with The Interview assignment.


. (

This website provides information about finding work you love and will assist you in your Reflection on Professional Self journal this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.

Supplemental Material

University of Arizona Global Campus Career Services. (2016). [PDF document]. Retrieved from

This PDF provides information about elevator pitches and will assist you in your Elevator Speech discussion this week.

Recommended Resources


Willis, J., & Mitchell, G. (2014). . Retrieved from

Chapter 1.2: Why Should Educators Learn Neuroscience?

o This chapter may assist you with The Interview assignment this week, specifically with the questions regarding Issues and Trends in Your Field.

Web Page

(n.d.). Retrieved from

This web page provides information about Mesa, Arizona Multigenerational Center and may assist you in your Elevator Speech and The Interview assignment this week.

Supplemental Material

University of Arizona Global Campus. (2014, September). download[Word document]. Canvas@UAGC.

This worksheet provides information about how to communicate your professional accomplishments to an employer and may assist you with The Interview assignment this week.