Due May 1, 2021

 write brief essays (roughly 3-4 paragraphs) that address the questions that are posed about these texts. Be sure to thoroughly analyze the texts by addressing specific moments/quotes while you answer the questions about the underlying themes that these authors are trying to express. 

1.  Leisure can be viewed as the sole purpose in life or the moments outside of ones sole purpose in life. Of course, there are many places in between those viewpoints. How would Ben Franklin view leisure? How does that line up with our working world of permanent availability?  

2.  Much of how we view work has to do with the work of those who are around us, especially our parents. Analyze two readings/films that deal with this aspect of our working lives.  

3.  Eugene ONeill (The Hairy Ape) and Diego Rivera Detroit Industry) depict industrial work in very different ways. Cite specific moments/aspects of each work of art to show how industrial workers are depicted differently. What seems to be the goal of these artists, in terms of how the worker is being depicted?