Media Analysis

View the film you choose at least once.  (Two viewings may offer a distinct advantage).  Then, identify at least 3 social-psychological principles that appear to be operating in the events or individuals depicted in the film (e.g., cognitive dissonance, schemas, self-fulfilling prophecies, groupthink, prejudice, conformity, deindividuation, conformity, realistic conflict theory, modern racism, etc.).  For each principle that you identify:

(a) briefly describe the relevant scene (you may assume that your reader has seen the film);

(b) describe in detail the social-psychological principle you believe is relevant, bringing in research findings as much as possible (that is, briefly state the findings of relevant experiments you’ve read or heard about); and

(c) elaborate on how the selected scene conforms and/or fails to conform to the social-psychological principle you have identified, as well as to the research findings that support the principle (for example, describe how the scene is similar to or different from relevant experiments you’ve read or heard about).

Be sure to include a short introduction to orient the reader, as well as a short Discussion to tie things together.