1 page short answer!!!due by 15 hrs


A company called Nastech was involved in developing intranasal formulations of drugs to treat a

variety of different diseases. Dr Steven Quay was a founder of Nastech; he (and his colleagues,

including Dr Alexis Leonard) filed several patent applications covering his inventions; some of

these patents were subsequently licensed or acquired by other companies. One of these patent

applications was for intranasal formulations of carbetocin (an oxytocin analog), for possible

treatment of autism and other conditions.

Question 1:

What is the patent number of the US granted patent described above?

Answer 1:

Question 2:

What is the number of the corresponding US published application?

Answer 2:

Question 3:

Compare the claims in the granted patent vs. the published application. What is/are the major

difference(s) between the claims in these two documents? (one or two sentences; hint: focus on

Claim 1)

Answer 3:

Question 4:

What is one key piece of translational research data presented in the patent documents that

supports the claims? (one or two sentences; hint: do any of the Examples contain translational

research data?)
