The Final

I want you to use what you have learned in this course about the textual analysis essay to analyze one of your favorite stories. This could be a story from books – literary or popular – television, cinema, even music. You only need to provide me a five-paragraph essay of about 750 words this time. It should be in MLA format and follow the essay format that I have been teaching this semester. 

I will be looking for you to follow the parameters that I have had you use and to analyze using the elements we have covered. Therefore, I will be looking for things like a narrowed topic. (If you are looking at a television series or movie, which are huge things, you must still narrow down to specific aspects of the larger whole, like specific scenes and dialog, etc. Do not be over general and attempt to address the whole thing. Pick what you feel are representative pieces in order to analyze the whole.) I will be looking to see if you base your analysis in the elements that make up the story you are analyzing. I will be looking to see if you have a clear thesis with a narrowed topic and a controlling idea. 

Show me what you have learned.