Concert Evaluation


Major Paper: Concert Evaluation

Topic: Attend a concert (classical, jazz, world music) and write a 3-4 page paper evaluation the performance, program, etc (You must have your concert approved by me before writing and submitting your paper!)

COVID EDIT: Watch a concert online instead of in person. (You must have your concert approved by me before writing and submitting your paper!)

The paper should include the following:

1) The date and place of the concert attended, the name(s) of the performing group(s). A program from the concert must accompany your paper.

2) A description of the type or genre of concert attended (opera, chamber music, symphony, jazz, etc.)

3) A description of the performance environment. 

4) Significant historical facts about the performer, composer and the compositions. (Select 1 or 2 works heard of particular interest.) Here is where research is needed!

5) A brief analysis of the musical elements – the instrumentation, the tempo, the structure or form of the composition (sonata form, rondo form etc.) the harmonic texture, the meter, the tonality, the characteristics of the melody (step wise melodic contour, large leaps, chromatic, sequential)

6) Your opinion about the quality of the performance. 

7) A descriptive personal response. 

If you have any questions about when/where acceptable concert events are happening, please see me! You must have your concert approved by me before writing and submitting your paper! Also, your paper MUST include a program or ticket stub to prove attendance.