HSA 320 IP 4

The assignment is to complete an OUTLINE; for a 5-8 pg paper; with the provided template below. You will need to expand on EACH point with a sentence and/or bullet point or two detailing what you will talk about in each sections of your outline.

I have attached a student’s reference of the outline.


This weeks discussion board requires you to write an outline for your Key Assignment.   Instructions and rubrics for your Key Discussion are located in the Unit 4 and Unit 5 Individual Project.  I took the time to get you started with a very basic outline but please feel free to use different subheadings/change titles as long as you capture the information.  In this assignment, you will need to expand on EACH point with a sentence and/or bullet point or two detailing what you will talk about in each sections of your outline.  You will have to make sure you have the following key elements in your paper:

  1. Introduction

Part 1

  1. Summarize the follow concepts (Hint: these are from previous assignments):
    1. Corrective actions
    2. Resolved a management problem with employees who are resistive to change
    3. Developing an org chart
  2.  Research and develop a mission statement and values for a facility
  3. Describe what types of health care this facility will provide
    1. What is the purpose?
    2. What services are provides?
    3. What type of health care?
    4. # of staff
    5. Type of staff
    6. Size
    7. Departments
    8. Other important details

Part 2

  1.  Develop 5 ethical standards to implement at your chosen facility
    1. Research 2 companies with ethical standards
    2. Develop you own standards in your own words (2 APA references in final draft are required)
  2. How would you present this info to staff during training/orientations?
    1. Describe the training
  3.  Closing/Conclusion