Learning activitiy

Illness, chronic disease, and death are issues even children have to face. In Chapter 10 of your text, you will be learning about some of the ways health teachers can address crises and critical issues. For your final paper/project you will be choosing one topic from Chapter 10 to focus on for creating a learning unit for a specific grade level. For this assignment, you will be completing the worksheets found on pages 341-344 of your text. In addition to completing the worksheets, you will also complete a demonstration piece and write a formal reflective paper as you have done on the previous LAs.

Note – the worksheet focuses on suicide and death; however, you are welcome to cover other topics covered within the chapter such as self-harm, terminal illness, and disasters. 

This assignment

  1. Lesson Planning Worksheets pages 341-344 (I’ve included a copy of the worksheet above). Choose a topic from Chapter 10 for a specific  K-12 grade level. Complete the lesson planning worksheets found in chapter 10. 
  2. Teaching demonstration. Pick one teaching element and create a demonstration of how you would carry out this element in your classroom. You may choose to create an activity you would do with your class, a teaching and learning activity to prepare students for an activity, or an assessment or you may create an assessment that will tell you if the children met a specific learning outcome. 
  3. Reflective Paper The paper is required to be written in formal APA style. In this paper, you will be describing your practical and creative process for creating the IPW. 

1. Instruction Plan Worksheet:  Complete the worksheets for a specific topic taken from chapter 10. You may wish to review chapter 2 for specific information on what you need to consider and how to fill out these worksheets. 

2. Demonstration: Use your creativity for this section! You have the option to either create a demonstration of how you would teach your IPW or what a product/learning outcome, assessment, product, etc would look like from your IPW. Here are some examples of what I mean: 

  • Create a short (1-2 minute) video of you teaching some portion of your IPW
  • Create a PowerPoint with pictures of you teaching or with you talking through the lesson. 
  • Do the activity in your IPW yourself and upload an image of what is produced — for example, if you had children build a food pyramid out of images of food cut out from ads in a newspaper, you would actually do this yourself, take a picture of your food clips pyramid and upload the image along with your IPW and your paper. Provide instructions for how to both do and teach the activity.
  • You may also come up with something on your own that covers either you demonstrating what you would do, showing something you would create, or creating something you would have students do.

Remember — this section is for you to try things out and experiment — This section is deliberately designed to be very open and creative — I want you to play and experiment with what you might actually do in a classroom someday! 

3. Reflective Paper – Formal Writing/APA required: This is the “meta-cognitive” portion of your learning activity. In this paper, I want you to talk about your creative process for coming up with the activities, objectives, and assessments for your IPW. In this paper, you will also talk about how you used resources from the class, your text, your interview — anything you have done to date. You may also talk about what you found through your own research and how you used this information to build your IPW. Here are some areas to include in your paper: 

  • Describe your creative thought process for completing the IPW. How do you visualize what was going to happen in the classroom? What will you be doing as a teacher? Why did you choose the materials, activities, and assessments you chose, etc.
  • Describe your creative thought process for engaging and including parents in the teaching and learning process. What research did you need to do for this section? What pre-teaching might you need to do? How will you go about seeking input from parents and including them in the lesson?
  • What challenges do you anticipate encountering for teaching these subjects? Why do you suspect there will be challenges and how will you meet these challenges?
  • What do you need to do to mentally and emotionally prepare for this lesson?
  • What information did you gather to use for this lesson? Why did you choose this particular information? How did you use the information and resources you found? (specific citations, references, and examples are expected to be included)
  • Talk about the assessment you chose — how will this assessment tell you if your students actually achieved the learning objective you set for them?
  • How useful was this assignment? Is there anything you would do to design this assignment differently that would have deepened your learning?