political Science

I have provided some information below. First write the equation and  then, using the data provided, solve for the predicted value of the  dependent variable.

Problem 1: Vote and Approval

Dependent Variable: VOTE

VOTE is incumbent share of the presidential vote

Independent Variable: APPROVAL

APPROVAL is the approval rating of the incumbent president

Regression Analysis


Intercept  -30

Approval  .7

What is the linear relationship between VOTE and APPROVAL? Write the equation in the form  Y = a + b X

If the current value of APPROVAL is 50 what is the predicted value of VOTE?

Problem 2 Seats, Approval and Midterm

Dependent Variable: SEATS

SEATS is change in seats in the House of Representatives

Independent Variables: APPROVAL and MIDTERM

APPROVAL is approval rating of the incumbent president

MIDTERM is a dummy variable

Midterm = 1 if the election is a midterm election, 0 if not.

Regression Analysis


Intercept  -60

Approval  1

Midterm    -25

What is the linear relationship between SEATS, APPROVAL and MIDTERM?

Write the equation in the form Y = a + b1 X1 + b2 X2

If the current value of APPROVAL is 55 and MIDTERM is 1 What is the predicted value of SEATS?