AML paper ASAP

For your Final Paper you will write about a topic of your choosing related to the following eras in African American Literature:

  • 1746-1865 (Spirituals, Slave Narratives)
  • 1865-1940 (Reconstruction Era, Harlem Renaissance)
  • African American Literature since 1940 (Civil Rights, Black Manhood, #MeToo)

Your essay may focus on a particular theme or time period, or you may present an original critical argument that either challenges or supports a philosophy or point of view presented by 2-3 of the assigned authors. 

  • 1500-2000 words
  • MLA
  • Your work must be formatted and documented in Directly quote from all sources used in the writing of the essay
  • A Works Cited page must be included

References will be given once a deal is made