Trauma and Abuse

Share a case that involved a client who reported sexual abuse (past or current); domestic violence; or abuse of a child, elder, or dependent adult. Remove the client’s name and all identifying information. Use a pseudonym when referring to the client. If you have not worked with a client who has experienced or reported abuse, create a brief hypothetical case.

Explain how you considered the ethical and legal aspects of this case, including any reporting mandates for abuse in your state as well as the protocols for mandatory reporting at your site.

Drawing from the current professional literature, include at least one article that describes counseling approaches that have been found effective in working with clients who have suffered abuse.

Discuss one of the specific interventions you used with this client. Was it effective? Describe what you observed that let you know whether the intervention was effective or not.


Optional Readings

You may also wish to read the following library and Internet articles, which offer some additional insights on this unit’s subject:

  • Durfee, A. (2011). “I’m not a victim, she’s an abuser”: Masculinity, victimization, and protection orders. Gender and Society, 25(3), 316334.
  • Hill, J. M., Vernig, P. M., Lee, J. K., Brown, C., & Orsillo, S. M. (2011). The development of a brief acceptance and mindfulness-based program aimed at reducing sexual revictimization among college women with a history of childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(9), 969980.
  • Bell, C. H., & Robinson, E. H., III. (2013). Shared trauma in counseling: Information and implications for counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(4), 310323.
  • Perilla, J. L., Serrata, J. V., Weinberg, J., & Lippy, C. A. (2012). Integrating women’s voices and theory: A comprehensive domestic violence intervention for Latinas. Women and Therapy, 35(12), 93105.

Optional Internet Resources

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. (2018). . Retrieved from
  • Myers, K. (2014, September 26). . Counseling Today. Retrieved from