Concept Essay (Argumentative)

Concept Essay
Part I
 Introduction: Paint a picture without directly stating the word or phrase.
 Introduce the Points of Analysis that you will outline in your essay (POA) (mental health *Examples)
 Thesis Statement
Part II
 Briefly Background=(The first time the concept came into your world )
 Discuss the origin of the concept (Family) (Nuclear Family/Immediate) (Extended Family/Family that we adopt)
 Discus how and why the concept came into your mental existence

Parts III to V
 Immediate Family
 What it is to you, Why it is important
 Shifting what does it mean today versus yesterday
 How do we see it portrayed or viewed on television, social media
 What are your opinions on this dynamic, have they changed, .

 What have you learned from this experience
 What has shifted from this experience
 Where do you think the concept will live in our society in 5, 10, 15, years