Take a virtual trip to Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City! For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Gothic). Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write an essay about it. Observe its traits, identify the origin, and interpret its execution in regards to the times artistic tendencies. Illustrate your knowledge of the art by evaluating an artifact of your liking:
Analyze your object formally, speculate on how you think it was made, and explain how it meets the aesthetic criteria of its respective era.
Please include a picture and citation of the piece you chose to write about. All papers should be 1 – 2 pages (of text).
Proficient to Development Needed
(6-8 points)
Exemplary to Proficient (9-10 points)
Points Earned
(100 points)
Overview of the topic.
20 points
Does not provide an adequate overview or is missing
Overview is presented, though may not be clear or complete
Overview is clearly presented including all criteria outlined above
25 points
Missing major content areas, unable to recognize cultural motifs
Recognizes basic content of cultural motifs
Critiques content of cultural motifs with insight
25 points
Fails to draw conclusions between online content and Met collection item(s)
Identifies some conclusions between online content and Met collection item(s)
Examines conclusions between online content and Met collection item(s)
5 points
Misrepresents issues or draws faulty conclusions
Identifies or generalizes issues
Discusses issues thoroughly and shows intellectual honesty
Evidence of learning outcomes
15 points
Unclear or contradictory evidence of learning this units style of art
Some evidence of learning this units style of art.
Complete evidence of learning all about this units style of art.