
In the short story by Toni Cade Bambara titled The Lesson, Ms. Moore

takes her neighborhood children on a trip downtown in Manhattan from

uptown in Harlem for window-shopping. What lesson do these children

learn? Is it a worthwhile lesson, by the way? How?

Two External Sources, in

addition to the Primary Source/Text from your textbook

Make sure the following details appear on the first page, at the top-left-hand

corner, of your essay of between 600-750 Words, Typed and Double-Spaced:

Your Name

Your Instructors Name

Course Title and Section

Assignment Due Date

Also, make sure your last name and page number appear at the top-right corner

of each and every page of your paper.

Use the MLA Style of parenthetical documentation keyed to a Work(s) Cited

page of not less than three research sources.