Argument essay 1300 words

Word Count 1300 words

Need turnit in report of the essay 


  teachers-student relationship at an elementary level and its affect on students academic success


 The argument essay should be over the “Write for a Cause” topic that you posed in the preliminary research assignment.

 For the final exam essay, you will write an argument essay on your topic using factual information gathered from your research. Your intent is to persuade, so you will use the subjective tone.

For the final exam, you should:  Take a stance on your topic and argue for your cause. This essay should be persuasive, and it should offer factual evidence and warrants to support the claims made in your essay.  You may include personal anecdotes to support your ideas as well. If you choose to use anecdotes to support your claims, they should be contextualized and supported by research.  Research should go either before or after each anecdote. 

 articles (should also include one paragraph body each from following two sources)

  Doabler, Christian T., et al. Measuring the Quantity and Quality of Explicit Instructional Interactions in an Empirically Validated Tier 2 Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention. Learning Disability Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 1, Feb. 2021, pp. 5062. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/0731948719884921. 

 Garca Bacete, Francisco J., and Jess F. Rosel Remrez. Spanish Validation of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction in the Upper Grades of Primary Education (QTI-P) and How This Interaction Influences Academic Performance. Anales de Psicologa, vol. 37, no. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 101113. EBSCOhost, doi:10.6018/analesps.415111.