1000 Word Essay From Outline Alredy Made


Each student will select a recent (within 3 years) data breach, and prepare a memo of at a minimum of 1000 words, describing the breach, the techniques and tools used by the hackers to execute the breach, the technical and business impact, and steps taken by the victim company to recover. 

At least three(3) sources must be consulted and cited in the Briefing, including at least one of each of these types:

A general news source, such as the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, or a similar network or local news website.

A technical publication describing the breach, such as CISA, Mitre Att&ck Framework, krebsonsecurity.com, SC Magazine or one of the approved and recommended Resources. (Wikipedia is not acceptable)

Approved and Recommended Resources

o DarkReading

o CISA.gov-Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency

o SANS.org –

o Mitre Att&ck Framework


o Techtarget

o Krebsonsecurity