Final Project: Writing the Grant Final Submission

Incorporating the cumulative feedback you have received from your Instructor, compile these Assignments into your grant proposal:

  • Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives
  • Methodology and Evaluation Plans
  • Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan

For this Assignment:

  • Review the Final Project Guidelines provided in this weeks Learning Resources.
  • Review your RFP. Keep in mind as you complete your grant proposal that you are writing, as much as possible, to reflect the requirements and focus of the RFP.

Note: If any of the Assignments required in this course are not required in your RFP, they are nevertheless to be included in your Final Project submission.

The Assignment: 1015 pages (do not include the APA reference list in your page count)

Compile the following into your grant proposal:

  • Title Page
  • Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives
  • Part 2: Methodology and Evaluation Plans
  • Part 3: Budget, Budget Narrative, Sustainability Plan
  • Reference Page