discussion post med term


At this point in the course, you are becoming fairly proficient at recognizing and using various word parts within medical terms. We have covered many of “the basics” of medical terminology, but as with any new language, you will continue to learn and use new words throughout your careers. You will come across unfamiliar words, phrases, and abbreviations for many years to come. In order to be prepared for this, it is important to identify valid and reliable resources for medical information.

For your initial post, please provide one example of a valid and reliable resource that you would be able to use in your future career. Keep in mind that it’s probably not feasible to carry around a physical book while performing your job. What kind of resources would be available for you in your chosen career? Online, mobile, and other versatile resources might be useful sources to consider. Make sure to cite your reference appropriately (in APA format) and describe why you believe it is a valid and reliable source of information.