Using Observational Evidence

Title: Using Observational Evidence to inform Assessment and Communication with Parents


Introduction:Observation is often seen as one of the most simple, yet effective methods of assessing young children as they develop. It allows you to reflect on the information gathered and determine how you can help your students.
Step 1-Observation  (NAEYC Standard 1a & 4a) Attach your anecdotal record from your target child you’ve observed from module two. Attach your learning plan from four-module 

Step 2- Write-up (NAEYC Standard 4d) In addition to submitting your anecdotal record, please attach your write-up from module 06 that includes the following sections:  1.Observation- Tell me about the thoughts which guided your observation.

  • What questions guided your observation?
  • How effective was this anecdotal record observation?

2. Findings- Report your results and interpret what you observed.

  • What did you observe?
  • What did you learn about your target child?
  • What new questions do you have about your target child now?

3. Learning Plan & 4- Developmental Assessment and Write-Up NAEYC 3c & 3d )

Using the observational data you have gathered throughout this semester as evidence, complete an ASQ to assess your target childs learning and development across a variety of domains. Be sure to fill out the version of the ASQ in it’s entirety, forms link is attached. Attach your observation from module 06. After you have filled out the ASQ form, complete a write up that answers the following questions:

        1.What did you learn about your target child by completing the ASQ ?
         2. What are the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment?

Step 5 Parent Letter ( NAEYC 2a,6b, 6e )

Use the findings from the completed ASQ and all the observational data you gathered throughout this semester to write a letter to your target childs parents. The letter should demonstrate your understanding of the childs interests and personal attributes as well as his/her growth and learning across a variety of developmental domains. Additionally, the letter should foster two-communication and a strong partnership between you and childs parents. Use the following questions to guide you as you craft your letter:

  • How would you describe your target child? What are some of his/her personal attributes?
  • What are some of your target childs interests? What does he/she like to do at school?
  • How will you continue to support your target childs interest?
  • What are some of your target childs developmental strengths and challenges?
  • How will you continue to support your target childs learning and development?
  • What questions do you have for your target childs parents? Are there any area where parents might be able to provide you with some additional information about the child?
  • Identify resources that would be helpful for this child.
  • What can the parents do at home to support their childs learning and development?

Grading CriteriaThe assignment is worth 100 points.
Maximum points are given when:- The assignment is completed in Word and attached to the assignment dropbox.- The assignment is submitted using complete and well-detailed sentences.- All directions for content are followed.- The assignment contains no spelling or major grammatical errors.ResourcesBlackboard EDU 221 Course
Outside sources found by students as needed (please read FTCC plagiarism policy) 
To Submit
Complete the assignment using Word and attach the file to assignment link in Blackboard by clicking on Browse my Computer and attach file.